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TSC International

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39105 North Magnetics Blvd. Wadsworth , Illinois 60083
phone (847) 249-4900 fax (847) 249-4988

Driving Directions

Thank You for your interest in our newsletter and  literature

Please remember if you choose to request our downloadable (19 meg)  catalog:

1. Please submit a valid  E-mail address in the form field.
2. Have software capable of unzipping the attachment after it is received.
(Unzipping software must be installed before downloading the zip file)
A trial version of Win-Zip can be downloaded by clicking the logo below:

winzip.jpg (14856 bytes) 
3. Have Excel and Word software installed on your PC.
We will e-mail a link to the submitted address to download the zipped file directly to your pc.
(Select "save"  when the file download box appears)

Thank You

click here to go to the submission form